Produced in Partnership with Wharton

Supernova Forum 2010

About Supernova 2010

Supernova explores the transformation of computing, communications, business, and society in the Network Age. Held since 2002, Supernova events bring together several hundred leading executives, entrepreneurs, intellectuals, government officials, and business practitioners to make connections, discuss emerging trends, and discover innovative new ideas and companies.

2010 Forum Theme: Perestroika

A Time for Re-Structuring

“Perestroika,” a term from the last days of the Soviet Union, literally means “building around.” New institutions and business models do not appear in isolation; they develop between, and sometimes even within, the mature structures they supplant. Perestroika is also a warning. Some old models cannot, or should not, be restructured: they must be replaced, often at great human and financial cost.

Everywhere one looks, the story is the same: media and publishing, education, government agencies, the financial system, enterprise software, building and funding startups, advertising, telecommunications… the list goes on. The old ways are dying. The new ways are not yet clearly defined, or not yet scaled to match what they supplant. The crucial task for this era of interconnectedness is to find the connections from our present to our future.

Supernova is continuing its own perestroika to explore this question, building on our online thought-leadership forum, the Supernova Hub, and other event innovations. Attention is the scarce resource of the Network Age. A series of shorter events, in different locations, at affordable registration prices, will allow us to broaden the conversation while maintaining the high caliber of people and ideas across business, technology, and policy. There is always another crop of hot startups out there, but actionable ideas and personal connections to transform your business are rare.

Please join us at Supernova Forum 2010 for the conversations that make a difference.

Supernova Forum 2010 sessions will be organized around three core areas:

Evolving Digital Infrastructure: Everything is a Platform?
Networked Business Innovation: Models and Vision
Crossing the Abyss: Transforming (or Replacing) Established Institutions

At Supernova, we attempt to answer “what’s next” after everything is connected. Supernova is the only event that assembles the most compelling people and companies from the converging worlds of computing, telecom, and digital media to put decentralization issues into meaningful social and business contexts.

Who should attend?

  • Technology Executives
  • Business Strategists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Technologists
  • Policy Makers
  • Investors
  • Social Media Marketers
  • Service Providers
  • Industry Media and Analysts